Whilst spending all of this extra time with my beautiful baby boy has been most welcomed and a necessity over the past couple of months since his surgery, it is also having a downside with regard to Lloris’s behaviour.
Prior to his IVDD injury and surgery, Lloris would happily stay home alone some days whilst I went to work for up to around 6 hours at a time. Some days he would come to work with me and others I would work from home.
The point here, is that he had always been perfectly fine ’flying solo’
Yes ok so on occasions there would be the sulky look through the door as I pulled off the drive, but in contrast on some days when I had planned to take him to work with me he would go and hide in his ‘Pig Hole’ under the stairs as he didn’t want to join me that day and would rather stay home!
For me, it has always been about ensuring he has enough change of scenery and doesn’t get bored.
Lloris is very much a homely dog. If he has the odd sleep over elsewhere he’s always itching to get home. He likes his own creature comforts around him. Especially his fluffy rug, the fire and endless amounts of toys!
Since becoming poorly Lloris spends virtually no time alone. I find myself arranging ‘childcare’ for him for his every waking hour (and sleeping hour come to that!)
The impact of this on his behaviour though is starting to show.
If I merely close the internal door behind me so he’s safe from the staircase and I go off to shower or get dressed etc he starts squealing and crying. On occasions these tantrums lead to him piddling out of deviance.
He doesn’t particularly like his ‘Pig Pen‘ area if he is shut in there during the day and will squeal the house down, but strangely enough he has accepted it as his bedroom at night and as long as I tuck him in and kiss him good night then he is happy to sleep soundly.
Trying to come up with a solution for him being restricted to his pen in the day when I was popping out for just moments (most likely to replenish his stock of cocktail sausages), I instead gave him free run of an area of our open-plan home by barricading off the space with the sofas so he can’t jump on them and injure himself.
In his previous life he always pretty much had full run off the house, so I had thought this little more space and freedom from his pen would equal a happy dog. Alas, I still returned home to lakes of deviant piddle everywhere.
Basically I now have a diva dog that if he is not smothered with cuddles, affection and company at all times he is going to have a tantrum, squeal and piddle.
Back to square one puppy training for Lloris it is! This cannot carry on
Introducing some alone time for him is going to need to start, as well as consequences for his naughty behaviour. Cocktail sausages on a whim (pretty much everytime I open the fridge) shall have to stop! These are now for rewards only.
It is oh so very hard to discapline a poorly puppy dog, but the time has come that we either recommence his basic training or I end up with a pup suffering from a separation disorder and anxiety.
Lloris really doesn’t need any more health issues right now!
Practicing what I preach is a little harder said than done. Today I am laid up in bed poorly and a certain little someone has spent the whole day tucked up snoozing at my side!