I know everyone loves their pets, but there is a boundary between loving them and them consuming your every thought during every waking hour! I feel I have crossed that line.
It dawns on me as I’m casually flicking through social media, that all of my posts have my dog in it. Lloris is always my main feature.
I wonder if it’s just of late because he needs me so very much, but I scroll back a little further and there he is, his cute little face continually featuring.
I then look at all of my Amazon purchases over the past month and the list is monopolised by gadgets for Lloris or purchases on a whim of things he just may like or need.
I go to place an online Tesco shop and realise everything in my favourites basket is for Lloris’s home cooked meals. In fact the only things for me in the entire weekly shop is a bottle of fizz and some activia yoghurts!
I started giving thought to ‘Am I obsessed with my dog?’ When I walked into the office one morning with him and announced him …
“Here he is?!”
I realised that no one looked up to give him their full attention. Is it just me that thinks he’s worthy of being announced upon entering a room!? Hahaha. Oh I have gone too far and I know it!
I find myself listening out for his sweet soft snuffle snores at night and only when I can hear them do I feel content to sleep.
I think you’ve got to have a word with yourself when you start chatting about your dog with the most random of people or steering conversations to include him.
I am giggling at the thought of this ‘crazy dog lady’ that I have become, but if you’re not going to love you pet unconditionally like a true family member then don’t have them I say!
I shall make a conscious effort though to not push upon others stories of my dog. I shall keep our special moments to ourselves or save them for our blog!
I can’t gurantee he won’t continue to be the main feature of my social media posts though… he’s so photogenic he makes me look good!
Today we tackle an item from his ‘strength’ test.
Can he hold himself in a squat to poop?
Random phone call from the Vet reveals that although initial tests on the lump removed from his head showed it to not be cancerous, there was an element of the testing that proved inconclusive and they asked previously if they could perform some secondary tests on the sample for research.
It turns out, upon further investigation that the lump on his head actually was a low grade 1 Mast Cell Tumour.
On a positive note, good margins of flesh removal was achieved all of the way around it and no cancerous cells were left behind.… AND I feel better that chopping up my beautiful baby boys face was justified!
The negative is that up until now I had thought all of his cancerous cells were contained to his right hind leg. The latest find shows that the cancer is not contained and can spring up anywhere.
Not something to overly dwell on. It’s all cut out of him and the catalyst for the cancer coming out now was likely his IVDD accident and the shock trauma to his nervous system. Nothing could have prevented that.
So the focus remains to get him well, strong and keep him trauma free! The latter is easier said than done with this little feisty french bulldog!
PS: Terrible day on toilet antics. Plenty of accidents!! will he EVER get full control back? Does he actually have full control now but just doesn’t want to go in the garden when it’s chilly and wet out??! Hmmm I just don’t know?!?
Oh darling I’m sorry to read that about the lump on his head, but glad they got it all out! Onwards and upwards 😘😘